ABB Verify helps drive patients to return to your practice by understanding and maximizing their current vision & medical insurance benefits.
Keep your patients within your practice.
Get Started
Why abb Verify?
Whatever your priority is for your vision care practice,
ABB Verify – powered by AffinityAnalytics – has a
software solution to address your needs.
How it works
At ABB Optical Group, we focus on the things that matter most to your practice. We’re here to help you stay competitive in an ever-changing industry by offering more services, more solutions, and more product choices that can be tailored to the specific needs of eye care practices.
Physician Dashboard
& Analytics
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Real-time vision & medical eligibility
Integrate into practice’s workflow
Maximize patient benefits
Reduce vision-care write-offs
Single log-in for all insurance payers
Automatically pull authorizations
Reduce no-show rates
Message patients about unused benefits
Automatically check eligibility for
scheduled appointments
Improve staff productivity and retention
ABB Verify On-Demand
ABB Verify
ABB Verify complete
One Solution. More Choices.
How long will it take to train me and my staff to use the system?
The training is very straightforward and is easily covered in one 30 minute training session.
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Can the platform also be used to manage Flex spending accounts, rather than vision insurance only?
We are aware of the opportunity and will be exploring the technical integration requirements. This will probably be a longer term development effort, but with good potential.
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I already use another communication platform, can I still use the other features?
The unused benefits messaging is supplemental and does not replace your regular messaging via those platforms. Most AffinityAnalytics customers use one of those platforms already. The messaging around unused benefits is targeted to include vision care specific benefits the patient has available. None of the patient engagement companies offer this type of functionality. There will be no conflict and you can continue to use your current provider for patient engagement.
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How can a patient unsubscribe from receiving emails from ABB Verify?
Just as with any other communication from doctors, patients can opt to no longer receive messages.
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How can a patient unsubscribe from receiving emails from ABB Verify?
Just as with any other communication from doctors, patients can opt to no longer receive messages.
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I already use another communication platform, can I still use the other features?
The unused benefits messaging is supplemental and does not replace your regular messaging via those platforms. Most AffinityAnalytics customers use one of those platforms already. The messaging around unused benefits is targeted to include vision care specific benefits the patient has available. None of the patient engagement companies offer this type of functionality. There will be no conflict and you can continue to use your current provider for patient engagement.
11 / 12
Can the platform also be used to manage Flex spending accounts, rather than vision insurance only?
We are aware of the opportunity and will be exploring the technical integration requirements. This will probably be a longer term development effort, but with good potential.
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How long will it take to train me and my staff to use the system?
The training is very straightforward and is easily covered in one 30 minute training session.
09 / 12
Are there other ways than email / text how ABB Verify can activate the unused benefits?
AA has developed an IVR solution, which has a high success rate within their optical retail channel. As this is a managed service, the costs involved are higher. If customer interest in this service is confirmed, IVR will be developed for ABB Verify and made available to our customer as an add-on feature. Timing is TBD.
08 / 12
Does ABB Verify support sublease doctors, who only sell contact lenses and no eyewear?
Together with AA we have identified this segment of customers and we have developed customized messaging.
07 / 12
I am interested, can I see a demo?
Yes, we plan to schedule customer demos on a regular basis.
06 / 12
How do you know that ABB Verify will benefit my practice?
Glimpse integrates with the same (and more) PMS systems as AffinityAnalytics does. As a result Glimpse captures which particular PMS is used by a specific customer. Also Glimpse has visibility to the amount of vision care claims and its value. The higher the claims volume and value, the bigger the potential benefits for our customers when using ABB Verify.
05 / 12
Will I be able to see a summary sheet of benefits and features?
As part of the ABB Business Solutions, ABB Verify Sell Sheet and other relevant informative materials will be available.
04 / 12
Can I restart my fee on my contract? What is the drop off rate of my account staying enrolled?
ABB Verify is available with a 1 year customer commitment, but they can terminate w/o cause with a 90 days’ notice period (to be confirmed). Upon termination communication/verification set up with PMS for the customer will be disabled. In case a customer decides to sign up again a few months later, we have to go through the same set up process again and will incur costs as a result. The restart fee will cover these costs. According to AA the drop-off rate is very low (please keep in mind this is based on their large retail experience so far).
03 / 12
Can I use ABB Verify in my practice?
ABB and Affinity have agreed for ABB Verify to focus on the IECP channel. There is a small group of existing practices who have received a version of AffinityAnalytics’ platform under the EssilorExperts program. ABB is not to engage with these practices for our Verify solution. In addition there is a list of Optical Retail companies where AffinityAnalytics has the right to sell direct, as they have done successfully over the last 6-7 years. Only in instances where AA indicates an opportunity to collaborate with ABB, we can sign these organizations up for ABB Verify.
02 / 12
I am already using something similar with XYZ company.
ABB partners with AffinityAnalytics, a pioneer in automation of benefits messaging and verification. While successfully used in large optical retail operations for many years, ABB Verify will bring this technology FIRST to the IECP channel. There is one Affinity program available in the market place under EssilorExperts. Main differences include: 1. 14 of these do have automated benefits eligibility turned on unused Benefits Activation only (so no automated benefits eligibility verification), 2. Essilor funds the program.
01 / 12
What do we know about the competitive landscape around this system? What are the possible responses we might encounter in the field; i.e . “I am already using something similar with XYZ company”.
ABB partners with AffinityAnalytics, a pioneer in automation of benefits messaging and verification. While successfully used in large optical retail operations for many years, ABB Verify will bring this technology FIRST to the IECP channel. There is one Affinity program available in the market place under EssilorExperts. Main differences include: 1. Unused Benefits Activation only (so no automated benefits eligibility verification), 2. Essilor funds the program, but in return the patient messaging only includes Essilor products, so in essence it is used as a marketing tool.
01 / 12
History and footprint
In 2012 Affinity Analytics entered the marketplace.
Affinity Analytics was founded
Company Timeline
At ABB Optical Group, we focus on the things that matter most to your practice. We’re here to help you stay competitive in an ever-changing industry by offering more services, more solutions and more product choices that can be tailored to the specific needs of eye care practices.
Real time Q4 of 2019
Currently our smallest customer has 23 locations and our largest is close to 600.
real time
In July of 2018 Affinity Analytics partnered with ABB Optical Group with the functionality that is used in ABB Verify to bring practice efficiency.
Until our partnership with ABB Optical Group we only focused on larger regional and national players.
partnered with ABB Optical Group
In January 2015 unused benefits & scheduled appointments functionality was released.
In the 5 years since this functionality has gone live we have processed over 100,000,000 vision care insurance eligibility requests.
vision care insurance eligibility requests.
In 2012 Affinity Analytics entered the marketplace.
Affinity Analytics was founded
ABB Verify complete
ABB Verify
ABB Verify On-Demand
I want to reduce the
time my staff spends searching for and verifying eligibility.
I’d like my
patients to spend
more and come in
more often.
I want my staff
to focus more on patient-facing tasks.
I’d like to
drive multiple
pairs sales from
my patients.
I want patients
who walk out
with an RX to buy
from me.
• Redirect users to your practice website with
your personalized logo.
• Direct users to your online scheduling site
with targeted CTAs.
• ABB Verify will message those patients who
walk out with an Rx to encourage them to
come back and buy materials from you.
I want patients who walk out with an Rx to buy from me.
• The automated vision care eligibility portion
of the platform will uncover patients who
have multiple pair benefits even if they’re
from different payers.
• The real-time eligibility portion of the
platform does the same thing.
• It’s an easy 2nd pair sale when patients are
informed they have benefits.
Easy Upsells
I’d like to drive multiple pairs sales from my patients.
• Easily double-check benefits to ensure they
weren’t used before patients show up at
the office.
• Access payer information on a single site.
No more multiple log-ins.
• Verify benefits eligibility in real-time by using
simple search parameters (great for walk-ins!)
Real-time Vision Care Eligibility
I want my staff to focus more on patient-facing tasks.
• Messages referencing vision care benefits get
more attention from your patients.
• Messages are strategically sent during office
hours to drive return appointment requests.
• Automatically message patients with unused
benefits, encouraging them to return to
your practice.
Unused Benefits Targeting
I’d like my patients to spend more and come in more often.
• Reduce vision care write-offs and
underpayments with automated error alerts.
• Automatically check vision care eligibility
for your scheduled appointments and pull
authorizations for plans when needed.
• Search across all of your in-network vision
care payers on one screen.
Automated Vision Care Eligibility
I want to reduce the time my staff spends searching for and verifying eligibility.
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Recapture Walk-Outs
Push Your Vision Forward
increase Patient Return Rate
A Strategic Partner
increase Patient Return Rate
on investment
on investment
Automating vision care eligibility processes can reduce staff hours by up to 40%. Cut those hours, or use them on patient-facing tasks for a bigger revenue pay-off.
Reduction in staff hours
I'm Interested
20% of your vision care patients have unused benefits available each month. By messaging them, our customers generate an additional $300* per patient.
monthly revenue
I'm Interested
* ABB Verify Customer Averages
5% of patients who receive a message from their eye care provider return within 30 days.
* ABB Verify Customer Averages
Increase patient
return rate*
I'm Interested
Our customers see a 20x return on their investment.
Return on
I'm Interested
ABB Analyze
ABB Analyze
ABB Verify
ABB Verify
ABB Business Solutions
ABB Business Solutions
ABB Labs
ABB Labs
ABB Contact Lens
ABB Contact Lens
ABB Verify